
Council of State gives green light to Lelystad airport

Source: – Council of State gives green light to Lelystad airport expansion

The expansion of Lelystad airport into a centre for charter and budget airlines can go ahead, the Council of State ruled on Wednesday.

The council, the country’s highest administrative court, over-ruled objections to the plans from locals and bird protection group Vogelbescherming. They argued extending the runways would have a serious impact on local wildlife, especially the birds of prey which live in the locality.

Ministers decided in 2015 to expand the airport to easy capacity restrictions on Schiphol. A spokesman for the Amsterdam airport said the court decision is ‘positive news for the Dutch aviation sector’.

Lelystad will focus on holiday charter traffic so that Schiphol can focus on transfers and trans-continental flights.
Lelystad airport will not be open for commercial flights until 2019 at the earliest, a year later than planned, junior infrastructure minister Sharon Dijksma announced late last year.

Eventually, Lelystad will be able to absorb 45,000 take-offs and landings a year.

However, airlines and holiday companies are not keen on the move to Lelystad. ‘Our customers don’t live there,’ a spokesman for holiday firm Arke said last year. ‘We’ve done research and Schiphol is an attractive airport because of all the facilities. Lelystad is further away, takes longer to get to and is therefore unattractive.’

However, Irish budget airline Ryanair is prepared to buy up ‘all the slots’ at Lelystad airport, ‘if the price is right’, commercial director David O’Brien told the Telegraaf last October.

Lelystad airport will not be open for commercial flights until 2019 at the earliest, a year later than planned, junior infrastructure minister Sharon Dijksma announced late last year.


Schiphol agrees to invest €90m in Lelystad airport’s growth plans

The state-owned Schiphol airport authority is prepared to put €90m into overhauling and expanding Lelystad airport, BNR radio reports on Tuesday.

Full report on Dutch News and BNR.


Conversion of national pilot licences to EU licences

From 09. April 2013 onwards, the new european regulations for pilot licences are applicable. Depending on the issuing country, there may be slight differences in the implementation, but for sure every pilot has to convert his national licence to an EASA version sooner or later.

In my case, I have to convert an JAR-FCL PPL (Private Pilot Licence) with SEP (land) PIC and TMG PIC issued by Germany. This has to be converted until 8. April 2017, as it is already according to JAR. Some other German national licences have to be converted until 8. April 2014, so you have to check for your case separately.

The conversion will be done when the licence is renewed or if there are changes with your class ratings, which result in an re-issuing. In my case I had to renew my ratings by doing a training flight with an JAR-FCL FI (flight instructor). Normally this is simply noted and signed off in your licence, but with the new licence requirement, you will need a new one issued by your authorities.

A special case is also applicable if the FI licence is not from the same nationality, e.g. in my case when I do the training flight with a Dutch FI. In this case the FI is also not allowed to sign the German licence and you have to send it to the issuing authorities for renewal. In future, having the new EU licence, any JAR-FCl FI is able to extend the licence, independent from the nationality.

The EU regulation (EU) Nr. 1178/2011 replaces the old national licencing and education regulations. It can be downloaded from the webpage of the EASA Homepage for FCL Organisations Approvals in English or in German. It contains all regulations for any kind of licence and most probably only limited parts of the document are applicable for you. More details can be found on the main page of the EASA Homepage for FCL Organisations Approvals.

In my case (extension JAR-FCL PPL(A) with SE piston (land) and TMG PIC rating), the paragraph “Teil-FCL – Abschnitt H – FCL.740.A – Abschnitt b” is applicable:

b) Verlängerung von Klassenberechtigungen für einmotorige Flugzeuge mit einem Piloten.
(1) Klassenberechtigungen für einmotorige Flugzeuge mit Kolbentriebwerk und TMG-Berechtigungen.
Für die Verlängerung von Klassenberechtigungen und Musterberechtigungen für einmotorige Flugzeuge mit Kolbentriebwerk mit einem Piloten und TMG-Berechtigungen muss der Bewerber:
i) innerhalb von 3 Monaten vor dem Ablaufdatum der Berechtigung eine Befähigungsüberprüfung in der betreffenden Klasse gemäß Anlage 9 dieses Teils bei einem Prüfer absolvieren ODER
ii) innerhalb von 12 Monaten vor dem Ablaufdatum der Berechtigung 12 Flugstunden in der betreffenden Klasse absolvieren, die Folgendes umfassen:
— 6 Stunden als PIC,
— 12 Starts und 12 Landungen sowie
— einen Schulungsflug von mindestens 1 Stunde Dauer mit einem Fluglehrer (FI) oder einem Lehrberechtigten für Klassenberechtigungen (CRI). Bewerbern wird dieser Flug erlassen, wenn sie eine Befähigungsüberprüfung für eine Klassen- oder Musterberechtigung oder eine praktische Prüfung in einer anderen Flugzeugklasse oder einem anderen Flugzeugmuster absolviert haben.
(2) Wenn Bewerber Inhaber sowohl einer Klassenberechtigung für einmotorige Landflugzeuge mit Kolbenmotor als auch einer TMG-Berechtigung sind, können sie die Anforderungen von Absatz 1 in einer der beiden Klassen erfüllen und eine Verlängerung für beide Berechtigungen erhalten.

The interesting part is in (2), where it states that the pilot is free to choose in which class he wants to fulfill the requirements metioned in (1) ii) and the extension of the licence will be valid for both ratings. This means that you can have your 12h accumulated flight duration, 12 starts/landings and the 1h training flight on a TMG, which is much cheaper than a SEP. You do not have to fly a single minute in an SEP but still keep your licence valid for it.


Ruimte voor luchtvaart

Vrijdag 31 mei vond het luchtsportcongres plaats, dat de KNVvL in samenwerking met AOPA heeft georganiseerd. Het thema was “Ruimte voor luchtvaart”, en dan met name voor de recreatieve luchtvaart (oftewel General Aviaton, GA). De KNVvL kijkt terug op een geslaagd symposium met 160 bezoekers en veel inhoudelijke discussie.

Web link to KNVvL site


Aerial photography now allowed in the Netherlands

Today the Dutch government stopped the prohibision of airial photography in the Netehrlands. This means that from now on there is no issue anymore in publishing pictures taken from the plane on the EFC web page.

Announcement from Dutch Overheid (Staatsblad 174 Jaargang 2013

Weblink: Articel on KNVvL webpage

Weblink: Announcement from Dutch Overheid


Findings in yearly inspection

In the frame of the yearly inspection of the LS4, SZT pointed out that there may be some repair needs on the airbrakes of our LS4 according to TN 4043. Decision was taken to postpone this repair by 6 month, which is in line with the TN.

I took the chance on a rainy day during my May flying camp in Bad Neustadt (there were lots of it) to let this be checked by another LTB ( They could not identify any problem with the airbrakes and  I received an inspection certificate. It states that the LS4 successfully passed the checks mentioned in TN 4043 and that no further activity is needed. The bearings of the airbrakes were covered in grease by the inspector to protect them from corrosion and it was recommended to perform this work every year before putting the glider into winter storage.

It was also mentioned by the inspector that the airbrake lock is not very tight and might have to be adjusted in future. We shall check if the airbrakes unlock themself in high speed flying (250 km/h). If yes, the lock has to be adjusted, otherwise not. I did not have the chance to check this, so whenever you fly at high speed, just be prepared that the airbrakes may come out of the lock unintentionally. If this happens to you, please provide corrosponding feedback.

During the camp we also identified that the Mylar-band of the stabilizer is missing, which was not identified in the yearly inspection. It is not clear if it was removed by intention or just went off due to normal usage. Nevertheless it is not needed for save operation of the plane, but just increases the drag when it’s missing. Dieter agereed to have this fixed during his 2 weeks in Leibertingen.


PH-TWP, D-EDDN, PH-CRX, PH-PAL Ameland 27 May 2012
PH-TWP, D-EDDN, PH-CRX, PH-PAL Ameland 27 May 2012

LS4 in winter maintenance

Last weekend the LS4 entered the winter maintenance mode and is no more available for flights. The dashbord  has been removed for rework and some more small repairs on the wings are needed.


News from vliegbasis Deelen

Bad news from the vliegbasis Deelen. There are new access rules starting 1st September 2012. Access will only be granted to full members of the Deelen or Rotterdam flying club.  Donateurs may either be on a limited list (max 30 persons, valid for 6 month) or be announced 2 days before the visit via the secretaries of the clubs. Further more, the donateurs have to be accompanied by a club member.

This make the access to the LS4 for people who are not a member of either Deelen or Rotterdam club very difficult. We have to discuss where to put the plane in the future.


LS4 on summer camps until August, 13th

The LS4 is now away for summer camps until August 13th.

13.07.-27.07. Kees and Thomas in Pfarrkirchen

28.07.-12.08. Dirk and Dieter in Zell Haidberg

Dieter will bring the LS4 back to Deelen on Sunday, 12th of August.