Glider Flying and Learning

To start with glider flying in the “vicinity” of ESTEC, we would recommend to have a look at the Kennemer Zweefvlieg Club:

Kennemer Zweefvlieg Club (
– closest to ESTEC (
– airspace restrictions due to Schiphol, but no problem for beginners. They offer also the possibility to fly in Terlet (see further down) for experienced pilots.
– offers passenger flying on Wednesdays

They are just 15km away from ESTEC and therefore easy to reach. Therefore they are ideal for beginners, where the airspace restrictions to 1500 feet (around 500m) due to Schiphol are not important.

Depending where you live, there are several other clubs which might be of interest for you. I provide them in the order of distance from ESTEC:

Gooise Zweefvlieg Club (
– Hilversum, around 70km:
– Hilversum is a very busy airfield with lots of motorflying. Perhaps not the best place to begin with glider flying. On the other hand you learn to handle high traffic airfields 😉

Amsterdamsche Club voor Zweefvliegen (
– Soesterberg, around 82km:
– first airfield without Schiphol airspace restrictions.

Zweefvliegclub Deelen (
– Deelen, around 123km:
– no airspace restrictions
– offer the best value for money in our opinion

Close to Deelen we have the Dutch national center for glider flying in Terlet. Several clubs operate from there.
– Terlet, around 125km,
– no airspace restrictions

Terlet Clubs:
– the biggest club is the Gelderse Zweefvliegclub (
– Zuid-hollandse vliegclub:
– Kennemer Club (see beginning of the text):
– Delftsche Studenten Aeroclub:
– Eerste Zaanse Zweefvlieg Club:
– Gliding Adventures Europe:

Wow, lot’s of information. Obviously you are always welcome to pass by in our offices and we will try to answer all the questions you have. As an alternative, you can also pass by at the regular Flying Club coffee meetings in the ESTEC coffee corner. Just give one of us a call and we get it organized.

All the details on Dutch clubs can be found at the Dutch Glider Web Site All clubs in the Netherlands are there also shown on a map

The last thing to say: Just do it 😉

One more thing (kind of a hint):
Glider flying is a team sport, which means you need several people on ground to get one pilot in the air. Also, the winter period is used to maintain the planes and fix any damage occurred during the summer season. If you are really serious about learning glider flying, you will give a very good impression to the club members by already joining the club during the winter period and help with the maintenance. This way you already get into contact with the people and have a head start once the season takes off.