Social Events

Coffee Corner
The club members regularly meet in the coffee corner of the ESTEC canteen at 10am and 3pm to exchange on topics around flying in the Netherlands. These meetings are on a regular base, but may not happen every day due to unavailability of the people. If you want to join, please check first with one of the club members.

Guest Flights
Several club members own a plane or have access to planes and can offer to take interested people for a flight around North and South Holland. We will ask you to join as an associated member and you can enjoy the view on Holland from above. If you are interested to join a flight, please pass by at the coffee corner meetings or contact one of the club members and we will find a way to get it organized.

Flyouts and Camps
The motorflying section regularly organizes fly-outs all around Europe. Regular fly-outs are to the Dutch islands (Texel and Ameland), Tankosh and the yearly Ariane pilots gathering. Popular destinations are also the south coast of the UK, Austria and France.
The gliding section joins local clubs during the summer season for flying camps in Germany and France. There is one event in May and one in the first 2 weeks of August.